Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Got a lot? We will build your custom home on your lot

Got a lot?
We will build your custom home on your lot
Did you know that there are nearly 75 new communities in our region? Large production builders and tract home builders have picked up the pace with large parcels of land going to highest bidder. Turn up the volume, because there is no backing down on the Charlotte housing market in the foreseeable future.

Some of these builders have reputation for building quality homes while others are known as production builders.

For those who do not know the term, production builders work on volume. They try to complete a new build every 2 weeks after their land developer tries to see how many houses they can fit on 75 acres.  Their profit for adding a third or fourth home on a cul de sac is crucial.

It is a fast and furious pace that creates chaos for all parties involved. All of the trades, suppliers dropping off materials, inspectors, the realtors and the port a john trucks clogged the streets during construction of these new communities.

Quite hectic and to be candid, I am not in line to purchase one of these tract homes. No desire to fight 300 neighbors on the morning commutes out of my cul de sac and I really do not want to watch my neighbor shave his back in his downstairs bathroom only 20 feet away from my house.  

Don’t get me wrong, there are some nice homes being built in our region. No doubt. It’s just a large gap between the high end homes at $700,000 plus and these production homes averaging $190,000.  What about folks who are more likely in the $300,000 to $500,000 range? Future home buyers that want a quality built home on a piece of land with more than a 6 foot fence between them and neighbors.

What about those people those are stuck in between price range, but want to pay for a custom home? Those people in between the $180,000 vinyl home and the million dollar mansion?

Here is a suggestion for folks like me that are the ‘tweeners. Look for land. Look for a lot that suits your needs. Buy the lot and call me. We would love to build your custom home on your land.  

Carbon Custom Homes will keep you involved throughout the entire construction of your home and build it with your needs & wants. Now that is a win-win.

“Green acres is the place for me.
Farm livin’ is the life for me
Land spreadin’ out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.”

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