Oops there goes another one!
Have you ever gotten a quote from a professional that seems affordable so, in good faith, you move forward with the project only to learn (that the estimate quoted) is merely a fraction of the final bill?
So, you dispute the bill with your contractor who justifies the addition expense due to 12% increase for materials and the project will take 6 days instead of 4 days to complete.
Shut the front door!
Not only do you get caught off guard, you never saw a change order, much less signed any contract that you agree to additional or incremental cost.
What is a change order? A change order is work that is added to or deleted from the original scope of work of a contract, which alters the original contract amount and/or completion date. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_order
A change order may fork a new project to handle significant changes to the current project.
Occasionally, the client will want to add can lights to the foyer or request cedar columns for porch, or switch out a ceiling fan, maybe decide on higher end appliances.
Or, a change order may become an entirely new project to handle significant changes to the current project.
Whatever the case, it must be signed and dated by both parties.
If not, then your contractor missed something on his original estimate and did not quote the entire project with a detail for scope of work.
Or greed drives him to justify the addition cost by convincing you, ‘it is more work than we realized.’
A trusted builder or contractor will incur additional expenses for specific projects in home construction, but it is their job to be fully aware of material pricing and his trade’s labor cost. If the project is slightly more (costly) than quoted, an honest contractor will take the hit and not pass it on to their clients.
Reliable contractors do exist and Carbon Custom Homes survives with this mantra, “Open communication with each client is paramount. Keep each client heavily involved with the building process. Bring your best trades and over deliver.”
A learning lesson for all.